Grace Church School

Projects 2023

The Bioneers

Science Sandbox Prize For Public Engagement Finalist

Mikail Oflaz, Gemma Hall, Ethan Kim, Karina Lippmann

The Bioneers is a series of educational modules for middle schoolers to learn about biodesign. These include hands-on lessons about mycelium, bacterial pigments, and kombucha leather. Early pilots show successful engagement with younger students.

Instructors 2023

Chrissy Dilley is the science department chair and a veteran high school science teacher at Grace Church School in Manhattan. While she has taught biology, chemistry and environmental science throughout her career her most recent exploration has been in the field of Biodesign. After being included in the 2019 and 2020 Biodesign Challenge she decided to take a deep dive into the ways design thinking could be used as an approach to curricular design and as a tool in the classroom.