Biodesign / Learning and Growing at the Intersection of Art and Science. : 2/17

4:00 - 5:00pm EST
This seminar will explore untapped possibilities of biodesign as a hands-on learning space at the intersection of science and the arts. Speakers will share how artists, community labs, pioneer educators, and young people are challenging settled assumptions about humans’ relationship with nature and proposing alternative ways of approaching the socioecological challenges of our times.

BDC Executive Director Daniel Grushkin will discuss his work at Biodesign Challenge alongside speakers from Genspace, and Labva (a rural community lab in Chile).  

The seminar will be moderated by Isabel Correa, 2021 Myers award for the Gottesman Libraries' Commissioned Art, Human Nature Entanglements: Exploring Creativity Beyond Human, currently on display through mid March in the Offit Gallery.

Please RSVP by submitting a ticket, and we the organizers will confirm with a Zoom link and calendar invitation.

EventsAlex KisielewskiEvents